How to use Assignmentium

Step 0

Click on New Assignment from home page.

Step 1

Click on a font from the next page.
This font will be used for your assignment or document.

Step 2

Now that you have picked a font, you can choose the background for the document.
Click on the Next button in the bottom right (or bottom if you are a mobile device).

Step 3

Edit the font options like Font Size, Font Color, Top Padding, etc.
Copy your text to the page.
Once the page is filled, click on New Page button(at the bottom) to ADD NEW PAGE.
Once you are done filling all pages, click Download button. Confirm the promt.

Step 4

Download either as PDF on ZIP(recommended) file.
Wait for the app to convert to the required format.
Download will start automatically. 👋 ⚡

App Options & Settings


Click on the sun / moon icon in the top-right corner to toggle between themes.

Disable step instructions

Navigate to Settings page from home page.
Diable (or enable) show steps option.
Disable when you don't need the steps to show while creating a new assignment.

Image pixel ratio.

Change between various pixel ratios to get the perfect balance between image quality and file size.